
Hi, my name is Jemima.

First, thank you so much for taking the time to visit this website! I hope you find at least one book review here that sends you on an edifying journey through the pages of an eye-opening, encouraging, amusing and well-written but above all, God-glorifying book! 
Let me introduce myself. At the moment I am a young teen from sunny Western Australia. My Mum, Jane, (my parents are urban missionaries) teaches my two younger sisters and I from her wealth of knowledge most days of the week.

I have a passion for God first and foremost (or should I say He has a passion for me?), and then after that comes playing my violin and ukulele, writing stories that make people think, and almost everything word-related (languages especially).

I enjoy:

~ foxes
~ knitting useful things
~ the wild
~ having everything neatly categorised (including people)
~ receiving hand-written letters
~ Being On Time
~ and reading godly literature!
Which brings me to books! Which is what this website is all about. I love to find an enthralling and worthwhile book - but unfortunately these can be few and far between. In Ephesian 5:16, we are told to redeem the time because the days are evil. So many books these days are about doing the exact opposite: reading them can be just an (often poorly written) opportunity to waste time that could be spent sharing the Good News with people desperately in need. These books aren't edifying or encouraging - and they have no lasting value. 
So I thought I could create a website that would encourage Christians (and children in particular) to enjoy getting lost in the wonderful world of worthwhile literature. Because there 
are marvelous books out there! And they will make you think deeply, encourage you to serve others, and most importantly help you to know our breathtakingly wonderful Maker.
So, please, dive in and enjoy!

~ Jemima


  1. I love your blog!!! It's beautiful and what could be better than blogging about godly, wholesome books?! That's awesome! :D And that's just SO cool that you are from Australia. Do you live in Australia now?

    I can't wait to see how your blog comes along! I'm so glad I got to know you a little through our blogs and am excited to see what books you post about!

    ~Brooklyn | fiveshekels.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment, Brooklyn! Yes, I live in Australia and have all my life. I really hope God does something honouring to him with my thoughts here and in the future.


      ~ Jemima

  2. That's cool your parents are missionaries! I play the ukulele too! That's so neat you live in Australia! I have a friend who wants to live in Australia.

    1. =D Ukulele is great, isn't it! I got given one for Christmas a few years ago and it has been so much fun learning it and being able to play along with my family.

      ~ Jemima

  3. *said "Amen!" to being on time*
    Handwritten letters are the best!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Caitlyn! I really appreciate that! :D


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