What Is Really Important Right Now

Hello everyone! How was your Easter? This year we remembered
Passover instead, and that was interesting. Chocolate eggs and bunnies probably aren't such a great choice for health during this time anyway! ;D

Anyway, speaking of coronavirus... I'm sure you guys have noticed the fear (rightly or wrongly) that so many people are feeling at the moment. Everybody is afraid, and they're looking for lifelines to grab onto, from a lifetime stash of toilet paper to a future vaccine.

 We, as Christians, aren't afraid -  we know we have a God on the throne who is all-powerful and cares for us so much that "even the very hairs on our head are all numbered". He loves us tenderly and cares for us "as a father pitieth his children".

So, we have no reason to fear - but what about others? Hand sanitizer isn't going to give them anything better than a fleeting peace of mind! They are anxious and confused, and now is the perfect time to step in and show the love of Jesus as He showed it as a man. For us, it is not the time to hole up in a bunker with our toilet paper and our trust in God. It is time to be his hands and feet, and lose our lives to save others.

As one of my favourite bands, Casting Crowns, says;

But if we are the body
Why aren't his arms reaching
Why aren't his hands healing
Why aren't his words teaching
Why is his love not showing them there is a way
There is a way

I'm saying this to myself first and foremost. Instead of taking this less busy time to focus first on my little projects and desires, I pray that instead I can use my God given gifts and talents for His glory and to reach the lost. I would also super appreciate your prayers for this too!

I think also, reading godly books is not such a priority right now. It's still important, but reaching the lost and fearful is particularly necessary at the moment. So I may be focusing more on sharing the gospel creatively.

Here are just a few ideas for godly ways to reach out (some involving literature and words and books):

 - Learn a language from a people group living near you
- Write a gospel tract
- Make a face mask and give it to someone, with a tract (this was partly Arielle's idea)
- Write a godly short story and share it with friends
- Just talk to a friend or neighbour about Jesus and why you aren't afraid
 - Pray!
- Send a hand drawn and written card to an elderly person
- Recommend a godly book to someone bored at home

Anyway, these are just a few of my ideas. I could probably say heaps more *laughs*, but no kidding... this is already pretty long! *winks*

Do you have any ideas for creative evangelism? How do you feel that you could use your passions and talents for His glory? I would love to hear!


~ Jemima


  1. I love this post, Jemima! This is like the best time to share the Gospel. My mom told us the other day that even if we can't physically witness, we can witness in many different ways, whether it be through book reviews or any other thing that we cross paths with. :-)

    1. Thank you Lilly! Glory to God! I kinda forgot... restrictions aren't so bad over here. We are still allowed some contact with neighbours and others. Still, even if we aren't allowed out of our houses, there is always the internet, like you say - and also we can be planning for future projects!
      God always makes a way! :D


      ~ Jemima

  2. LOVE this Jemima. ♡ This is such a good reminder and it just goes to show that with God on our side there is no need to be scared or afraid. He is in control!

    Thank you for this beautiful post. ♡

    1. Awww, thanks for your encouragement Brooklyn! Glory to God!

      ~ Jemima

  3. Great ideas Jemima! I love them. <3 Right now with the pandemic going on it's hard to tell people about Jesus, but we need to remember that it's only hard not impossible.

    1. Thanks Elate! <3 I did forget though that restrictions aren't so bad over here in Australia. That is so true through. If we were depending on ourselves to share the gospel, we wouldn't get anywhere... But when we trust in God for strength, even in total lockdown we can wins souls!
      When we do His work he always makes a way!

      ~ Jemima

  4. Replies
    1. Glory to God! Thanks for stopping over here! =D <3


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